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电话: 0592-6197085
姓名: shaman
Xiamen Bigal Co., Ltd

  Our company is located in a beautiful city, Xiamen China. We are one of the leading manufacturers engaged in handmade fine oil paintings, frames and prints in *域名隐藏* employ more than 400 professional art designers and experienced painters from China, they can make all kinds of oil painting products, such asabstract, impressionist, landscape, still life, portrait, knife, and so on. All products are made 100% by hand. Welcome to visit our website to know more about us: *域名隐藏* ....

主要产品/业务: oilpainting frame print

Xiamen Bigal Co., Ltd / 福建 / 厦门海沧东孚工业园 (361000 ) / 电话:0592-6197085

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